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Price Lists


Below are official Adobe price lists, updated on a monthly basis. Price list file formats are .csv and now include set-up and notification information.

Partners viewing the .csv files in Microsoft Excel that experience date values in the price columns should refer to the Importing Adobe Price Lists to Excel document.

Filter options:

Region: What countries a user is eligible to sell into

Partner type: Programs a user is eligible to sell.

Audience: Price lists types a user is eligible to sell from. 

Currency: Allows selection of currency if multiple currencies are available.

Month: Price Lists for current, next, or previous months.

Price List Glossary

Adobe Partner Connection Program Support


If you need assistance, please contact the Adobe Partner Connection Help Desk:
EMEA (all countries): +44 (0)20 7365 0734
UK: 0800 783 6954 (Toll free)
France: 0805 540 199 (Toll free)
Germany: 0800 664 7893 (Toll free)
For chat assistance please visit: APC Help Desk

Learn more about the Adobe commitment to using electronic data interchange (EDI) in its daily transactions.